New stuff

 This was a very productive week for the #JosieBook, in terms of finalizing some straggling interviews and getting some actual writing done. I also read a number of responses to the poll that I put out the other day (see the previous update if you missed it), and am doing my best to respond in kind. To that end, I have obtained a few more sets of the stunt headphones and another couple of t-shirts, and listed them as perks that people can buy on here. I'm also going to set up a small digital storefront to allow people to purchase a few of them outside of IndieGoGo.

My plan at present is to deliver most of the non-book perks shortly after the campaign ends, so that you should start getting mail in April or May. Exceptions to this will be for international buyers, where I will have to package everything together to minimize shipping expenses, and custom made items, which may take time to produce. If you have any questions about any given perk, feel free to reach out.

This week, I'll be adding a number of new perks. One of the things that took me by surprise was the number of people who said they were disappoitned to have missed out on the Artisanal Edition hardcover, which I didn't expect to be as popular as it was. I'm working on creating a comparable perk that I can provide for some folks, without detracting from the "special" nature of something that's a limited run of 10. Also, to be honest, the time that it will take to hand-bind those books is a challenge in and of itself.

One thing that I can announce now: since so many of the interviews went off in interesting directions that don't necessarily fit neatly into the "oral history" framework, and since there are so many things to say about Josie and the Pussycats that require a little bit more of a deep dive, I'm planning producing a short (probably 40-50 pages) supplement, which will be custom printed and comb-bound (so it will look, basically, like an office training manual or something).  It's available now both as an add-on (if you haven't yet bought the main book or want to buy another thing), or as a stand-alone thing you can order. The image shown is actually my notebook that I keep interview notes in, and not the final product, but it's a spiral bound thing with Josie on the cover, so it felt like a decent enough chance for an illustration. This is hardly the same as a fancy, hand-bound hardcover, but it's something that I can custom-make, that helps inform the movie in a different way than the main book, and that will feature some content that might not otherwise have found an outlet. More details to come on the supplement as I know more about it. I really just have a handful of ideas at this point.

As ever, thanks for all your support and I hope that all the extra junk I'm coming up with to throw on here is more "ooh! Exciting new Josie content!" than a nuisance.


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